Monday 10 February 2014

Feeling blue...

i am feeling blue ...dont kno what to do....confused....some life decisions are very hard to take...some u just want to ignore and others u dont like but u kno its better for u....
all this dilemma ....i just want to go somewhere happy....isolated ...different world which isnt connected to this place at all ..
i feel i dont belong here...i belong to some place which is happy free sophisticated and clean internally and all my dream or just a split time thinking i dont kno..i donot like the way i am...i want to change my life...this life is not what i want ...i want my childhood back...i dont like responsibilities...i like carefreeness..i dont want to grow old ...i dont want to die..i want to be in this place forever   ...i want to be here and see all the developments in science and technology...i want to kno who i am what i am...i want to have more time....i want to see the future....i want to go out of this solar system....i want to explore new places...i want to kno all...this life must be long...this short life isnt enough....i am sad....i dont kno what to god real?..if yes i pray to god plz grant my wish.